Links to other web sites.

Although this is an independent web site we are happy to point users in the direction of other useful web sites. Some of these are Hangleton and Knoll based and some run, for example, by Brighton and Hove Council. These may not specifically target Hangleton and Knoll residents but they are open to use by all residents in the area.

Probably the most useful of these locally is the Brighton and Hove "ACCESS POINT"
part of the Council web site.

This award winning site enables residents with any queries or problems relating to Adult Social Care to get the information that they require directly and even apply for help on line.

The information covers any aspect of care related to health, mobility or disability problems including sight and hearing needs and general care etc. You can talk to someone direct or use the e-mailing system. you can even fill in an application form on line.

Simply visit the site and get the advice you need all in one place and you will be put in touch with whichever department is most suitable for yo u..


An extremely useful compilation of national web sites has been produced by the British Polio Fellowship and is reproduced in our "General contacts and useful links" page. (References to Scottish, Irish and Welsh information has been omitted as 50+ is a local group). It is called

"Who do I ask?"
Who do I ask ?

(Many thanks to Sylvia Peters of the "Crafty Adults" group who brought this to our attention)